Tag Archives: lithics

By Matt and Yvonne Rose (Archive Project Supervisor)

For February, just for a change, there’s a slight twist to “Find of the Month”. For the past three Thursdays the finds and archiving team has been joined by work experience student Matt. He’s been busy washing the usual assortment of pottery, tile and animal bone, so to make the days more interesting we’ve shown him an array of the more exciting finds from past excavations. We asked him to choose two of his favourite finds, along with a few other questions, so that we could find out a bit more about Matt and his interests. Here are the results:

How long have you been interested in archaeology?

Since I was around 7 years of age (10 years ago).

How did you become interested in archaeology?

I became interested in history by watching Time Team on the TV in my own time. It encouraged me to go outside and try it for myself. Ever since I started finding actual finds of importance I enjoyed it more and more, up to this day. Now I wish to continue further with a regular job in either archaeology or palaeontology.

What is your favourite period in history?

Probably Roman.

Which finds have you liked the most, and why?

The Roman face pot (nicknamed Marion) because it is a very nice pot from my favourite period in history. I would also like to do some research on it at some point in the future.

I like the Palaeolithic flint blade due to the fact that it is very old (around 10 000 years). I also like to think about the many different ways it could have been used. I love the history behind it.

Palaeolithic flint blade

Palaeolithic flint blade

The Roman face pot (Marion)

The Roman face pot (Marion)

What would you like to find in the future?

A hoard of Roman coins or something gold!

We wish Matt well in his remaining weeks with us and hope he finds that gold one day!

It’s been a busy week at AAL so this weeks blog is a little round-up of what we’ve been up to.

Warning: Images of human remains feature in this post

A Roman adult buried face down (prone)

You might have already seen the excitement on our site at University of Lincoln. During monitoring works we uncovered human remains dating from the Roman period close to the River Witham.

Glorious views in Cumbria

Tobin has been visiting a site in Cumbria where we have been undertaking a Watching Brief

Rachel working on Damian's site near Peterborough

Damian has had a team out working on an evaluation near Peterborough.

The geophysics team enjoying a break in coastal Lincolnshire

Rob has been out with a team to start a large geophysics project on the Lincolnshire coast where they’ve been contending with a lot of weather but enjoying the location!

Fee's been working hard in London

Fee’s been working hard in London

Al is dealing with challenging conditions in Brentford

Al is dealing with challenging conditions in Brentford

Work is continuing on our "big" project in Market Harborough where the team are undertaking a

Work is continuing on our “big” project in Market Harborough where the team are undertaking an open area excavation

Bryn has been working hard processing environmental samples

Bryn has been working hard processing environmental samples

Yvonne has joined the archives team and is getting up to speed as Cova heads off on maternity leave

Yvonne has joined the archives team and is getting up to speed as Cova heads off on maternity leave

Nasha has been busy editing reports and dealing with publicity.

Nasha has been busy editing reports and dealing with publicity.

Josh has been analysing lithics for a specialist report

Josh has been analysing lithics for a specialist report

Welcome to the first Allen Archaeology blog! We are going to be posting every Friday afternoon little bits and pieces for people to enjoy in their tea breaks. These blogs are going to include exciting things that are going on at the company, profiles of our staff, stories from some of our sites and the things that we do as a commercial unit.

The blogs will give you the chance to hear from staff across the company, from our Trainees to the Directors, and to find out about what it is like to be an archaeologist from the people who are, quite literally, on the ground. We hope to start a conversation about what’s going on in the commercial world, at Allen Archaeology and further afield, so please engage with us!

If you’ve not visited us before why not have a click around our fancy new website and check out who we are and what we do! If you have found your way here then here are some pictures of what we’ve been getting up to this week.

Our directors checking out the video of our excavations at University of Lincoln, made by the Lincoln School of Journalism click here to see it for yourself

Josh is getting started on the Lithics from the Mesolithic site in the centre of Lincoln

Josh Hogue is getting started on the Lithics from the Mesolithic site in the center of Lincoln

Charlotte and Gavin have been out and about undertaking an earthwork survey in Worcestershire

Charlotte and Gavin have been out and about undertaking an earthwork survey in Worcestershire

Look at this beautiful (modern) stratigraphy from Lidl's development site in Dartford

Look at this beautiful stratigraphy from Lidl’s development site in Dartford

Chris has been mapping pottery distributions from one of the North Killingholme sites

Chris has been mapping pottery distributions from one of the North Killingholme sites