Best site hut biscuit with Nicky

Nicky chooses the perfect biscuit for chatting with historians

What is your job role?
Senior Project Archaeologist

How long have you worked for Allen Archaeology?
I have worked for AAL since September 2015 with a quick travelling break to New Zealand in the middle. Although I did have a coffee and cake with a Historian out there so I’m going to call it a ‘research break’…

How would describe your excavation technique?
One cut. One fill.

Nicky digging

One cut, one fill

How long have you been working in archaeology?
Since September 2014

How did you get into archaeology?
I wrote a list of ideal jobs when I was about 8 with Archaeologist appearing second on the list after marine biologist but I don’t like boats so here I am!

What is the best thing about your job?
I love working outdoors, having in depth site discussions about why anyone would want to dig so many holes (pot calling kettle black me thinks), the copious amount of biscuits, finding really shiny things, finding not so shiny things, the list could go on!

Specialist skills?
Onsite recycling enforcer

Best site hut biscuit?
The mighty Hob nob! ‘Hobnob’ also incidentally was used in the early 19th century to mean ‘to socialise’ – something all archaeologists like to indulge in, if not with hobnobs then with other grain related products. Making me love Hobnobs even more, if possible!