Best site hut biscuit with Gavin

Gavin tells us about a career developed over 20 years

Gavin Glover
What is your job role?
Project Manager

How long have you worked for Allen Archaeology?
5 years

How would describe your excavation technique?
Pointing from a distance

How long have you been working in archaeology?
Since the mid 1990s.

How did you get into archaeology?
I got a lucky break after a friend was working on a site that needed more staff and I was looking for work. It was only supposed to be a temporary stop-gap whilst I found something different. I’m not sure I’ve ever forgiven him.

What is the best thing about your job?
The people that I work with. Their ability to surprise me on a weekly basis keeps things interesting but has aged me considerably.

Specialist skills?
I used to be able to balance a cricket bat upright on my forehead

Best site hut biscuit?
The Ginger Nut is the prince of biscuits in any situation as far as I’m concerned